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Screening Policy
It is Film and Media departmental policy that students attend the mandatory weekly screenings for the classes in which they are registered. We believe that it is essential to view film and media texts as a community in an educationally-focused, distraction-free environment. This third session per week also counts toward the 4-credit (contact) hours that students receive for our courses. Screenings are akin to labs for science courses.
In the case of conflicts coming from within the University (e.g. student athletes, student government, etc.), we leave it up to individual professors to establish their own attendance policies. Students should to reach out to their professors before the semester begins to determine if the attendance policy will make allowances for their extracurriculars.
In the case of conflicts coming from within the University (e.g. student athletes, student government, etc.), we leave it up to individual professors to establish their own attendance policies. Students should to reach out to their professors before the semester begins to determine if the attendance policy will make allowances for their extracurriculars.